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Myers Parrot

23 10:22:43

My Myers Parrot laid an egg. Does that mean that she will or is ready to breed. I have had this parrot for about 20 years, is she to old to breed? If I decide to breed, how do I introduce the male parrot. Thanks Alfonso

Hi, Alfonso.  Thanks for posting!

What this means is that your female has raging hormones right now, which resulted in her laying an infertile egg.  She will likely lay 2-3 more before it's over.  At 20 years of age, your meyers parrot is becoming elderly.  Whether you should allow her to have a mate and breed depends on how healthy she is.  This can really only be determined by a medical evaluation by a certified avian veterinarian.  Breeding, laying eggs, and caring for offspring is hard on a female bird.  I would only breed this bird if she is in the best of health.      

Meyers parrots aren't that easy to breed.  The method of introducing a male bird to a female bird depends on the personalities of the individual birds involved.  In some cases, you can put them together right away (after a quarantine period for the new bird).  In other cases, it's necessary to keep 2 birds side-by-side in individual cages so they can get used to each other first, then gradually introduce them to one another outside the cage under supervision.  Again, the method used depends on the birds involved.
