Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Rubbing beak

Rubbing beak

23 10:18:24

QUESTION: Hi there, I'm new to having a lovebird and I've had my lovebird (Paulie) for four months now he was a baby when we first got him/her... for the past few days I have been worried he/she has been rubbing his/her beak on everything eg the cage , on people shoulders and he/she is also starting to spit is this normal for him/her can you tell me if I need to go see a vet; any information would be muchly appreciated I've looked over all the books and I can't seem to find any information.
Thankyou for your time

ANSWER: Hello this is breeding behavier the male does this when he is trying to impress his hen, Also they do vomit food to feed there hen so if you see your male bird mulling over something in his mouth and rubbing his beak or mating his perches or toys this is all normal.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou so much I was worried it wasn't normal behaviour, but if I may ask another question... why does he do this he doesn't have a mate to impress?  and how long does he go through this stage cause it just looks to us that his beak is really itchy lol.... and also he hasn't been spitting up his food its just saliva, he doesn't do it often.....
Thankyou so much again i'm very relieved cause I thought I did something wrong....
Would you say it would be good to get him a branch or toy of some sort that will help him to rub his beak on??
Thank you so much again

Hello, Well once the bird is sexually mature they Don't stop I have noted this with budgies/cocaktiels and i do have a male lovebird who is over 1 year old and he does this daily. Your bird is doing this because its natural to him he knows he doesnt have a mate but something inside it telling him to do this...its natural. He should have a cuttle bone or mineral block to file his beak on. He doesnt ened new toys or branches just for beak rubbing thou. and your very welcome gald to be of service,