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Lethargic Sun-day conure

23 10:25:19

My conure seems to be acting lethargic. She is also doing alot of head bobbing and twitching her wings and her feathers are fluffed. Could this be from a cold environment or does this sound like something more serious? We recently had a cold snap and the room her cage is in doesn't get as warm as the rest of the house.

Hi, Robbie.  Thanks for posting!

I don't have enough information.  It could be your bird is chilled from the weather change.  If so, this is not good, as a chilled bird could become ill.  Fluffing up of feathers can be a sign of illness, but it could also mean the bird is just cold.  Head bobbing and twitching of wings aren't signs of illness, but I wouldn't know if this is normal behavior for this bird or other.  

Your bird needs to be in an environment that is warm enough to you when you have a T-shirt on.  If this room isn't that warm, you'll need to warm it up a bit or move the bird to a different location.

You know your bird better than anyone else does.  If you think this bird is ill, she probably is.  You might want to take her to an avian veterinarian for a checkup if you suspect something more serious.  Watch her closely for signs of illness...weight loss, loss of appetite, not drinking, sleeping all the time, fluffing up feathers when not sleeping (also a sign the bird is cold), etc.  Birds can be "under the weather" for a day or 2 and not really be sick.  However, if she doesn't bounce back in a day or 2, then you need to have her medical condition evaluated by an avian veterinarian.
