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Congo African Greys

23 10:27:04

Dear Rev Abbot thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I am adopting a 26 year old Congo African Grey from my best friends mom. I am concerned though after reading online on the lifespans of Greys. Most say 50-70 years but some that are listed also say like 25-35 years. I hate to have this little girl die in 10 years it would devestate me. Thanks Brandon

With good care these parrots should reach 45+ years.
The way I look at it when I take in a young macaw (the larger macaws live into their 60's), I know I'll never live as long as they will, but I'll make sure that the 'lifetime' they have with me is one of the happiest and fullest that I can provide.

There's no guarentee on earth that YOU will live another 10 years is there?

So by all means, love this smart, sweet bird! For as long as you've got her and for as long as she's got you :)

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