Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > RE: African grey Parrot

RE: African grey Parrot

23 10:34:52

we have had our african grey parrot about 3 months now and we have noticed recently that she keeps scratching.  We try and bath Polly about twice a week but was wondering if maybe there was something we could use when we bath her like a spray or powder.  Also, when she is wet we have noticed on top of her head (only on the one side) that she has a few tiny lumps.  If you run your finger up and down her feathers you can see a tiny small lump. When i say a lump it is almost like a blood blister.  We are quite concerned about this and was wondering if you have any ideas on what this could be.  

Hi Belinda,
I would take her to a bird vet soon.
do not treat her yourself you could make things worst.
call vets to see who in your area sees parrots,

that is what I would do with my greys and we have a good bird vet we take all our birdss to.
did you have a vet look her over before buying her?
most places will give you 1 month to have a vet check your bird out to make sure they are healthy.
please do so.
and let me know what happens
take care Barbara