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lovebird bald patch

23 10:29:30

hello jess, we have a pair of lovebirds but one of them is getting a bald patch
on the back of its head and round its eyes. The other lovebird however is fine
which makes us think that parasites could be ruled out. Do you think this
could be the result of fighting? They seem quite content apart from the odd
bickering bout, and have been laying eggs{although are not bothered about
sitting and nurturing them}. It is the female with the problem, do you think
this could be a result of mating?  Any advise or suggestions would be much
apreciated. thanks, adam

Hi there,
I wouldnt rule out parasites that quickly as they can affect different birds in different ways and at different rates. It could be the result of over grooming. The egg laying is a problem as it will drain the female of calcium from her bones and could lead to her becoming weak and sick. Is there a nest box or something that causing them to mate? I think a vet check to rule out parasites and talk about calcium supplements if necessary would be the best idea. Good luck and take care