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My lovebirds

23 10:29:30

I just got my female lovebird about 1 week ago. How long does it usually take for the female and male t accept each other. She has a nest box and is always positioning herself to be bred, but as soon as he comes close to her...she attacks. I know that he is a male, because my neighbors female bird positioned herself as well when she heard my male when I brought him to their house. Even if my male and female never accept each there still a chance that they might breed?
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Hi, I was wondering, is it normal that my female lovebird bites my male lovebird when he gets close to her or the nest box? Sometimes she even chases him in the cage. She does all of the signs that she wants to breed, but when he gets close to her or the nest box, she goes to bite him. Is this normal? Please answer me A.S.A.P.!
well it sounds like you have two females. Remember just because someone tells you they are a pair male and female it is not always true. Or it can be that the female dose not want to accept the male. I hope this helps you, if you have anymore ?S just ask. Also if you can give me a rating.

first take the nest box down, and let them get use to each other before you put the box back up. Also it depends on the birds when they will be bonded. They have to be bonded before they will breed. March is usually the time for breeding season, even if they mate I wouldn't put the box up till march. Also if you see her laying eggs on the bottom of the cage don't worry it is normal the eggs are no good if he dose not breed her.