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lovebird help re

23 10:22:53

hi i cant do that because the stree its self would kill it is there anything that we can do at homw

Hi again, Lauren.

Not if you don't know what's wrong with the bird.  The bird probably needs antibiotics or some other type of meds that require a vet's prescription.  The vet can take cloanal and cloacal swabs to see if it's bacterial, viral, etc., and then treat the bird properly with the correct medication or whatever needs to be done.  In addition, you don't want to treat something with something and it not be the right thing to do because you could cause more harm than good.  You've waited too long to get your bird medical attention and now it's at a critical stage.  By the time a bird shows the types of symptoms you describe,  the bird has already been sick for a while.  Your bird may die if you DON'T take s/he to the vet.  So either way, you have a 50/50 chance of the bird surviving.  If you do nothing, your bird will likely die.  Once they are on the cage bottom, it doesn't look good.  Please attempt to get your bird to the least call an avian vet for advice.
