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B&G Macaw - beak problems

23 10:22:53

My B&G was rescued by us about 12 years ago. When we got her, she had been kept in a dark corner of a basement apartment for several years and had only been fed sunflower seeds as her main diet. I am surprised she survived. It took us 2 years to get her to trust us and then she attached herself to me; she will tolerate my husband who adores her and of course we are all in her "flock" since she is a single bird. My husband went to Australia for a month and while he was gone (one of Prophet's flock) she began feather picking under her wings and scraping her beak too frequently on the bars. She now has a growing indentation in her beak and looks like it's getting larger. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow, but would like your input anyway. She is around 18 years old.

Hello Betsy and thank you for your post.
She is upset that part of her "flock" is missing.  This is why she is mutilating herself, and rubbing her beak along the bars of the cage.  The indentation probably is getting larger because she is rubbing her beak along the bars of the cage.  She needs ALOT more attention from you to help her tostop this behavour.
She is still a young bird, and she can still learn.  Try teaching her some tricks and words.  This will help give her mind something to do so that she is not thinking about missing your husband so much.
Taking her to the vet is definately a great step in the right direction.
Please let me know what the vet says.

Good luck and God Bless.