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Bird Behaviour

23 10:33:40

We've had 2 budgies for 7 months, all of a sudden the male has become very aggressive with the female. He's attacked her twice in the last month and has bitten one foot. Do they need to be separated or does he have something else on his mind?

Dear Sydney,
thank you for your question.
It's unusual that a pair of budgies don't get along, but it can happen. After all, they all have their own personality. It might be that they feel that their cage is too small and fight because of that. How big is your cage, what's in it and can the birds fly?
Did you see any reasons for the attacks, when do they happen (for example when they are eating or when they want to sleep)?
It might be that he is trying to court the female and that he's a bit too vehement, he's still very young after all. How does he look like before the attacks? Does he open his beak , make himself bigger and does he scream sharply? That's aggression. If he bobs his head, fluffs his feathers and "sings", he's courting her. It's normal that they bite each other, although usually they don't hurt each other.
I'm sorry that I cannot give a definite answer right away, but I need a bit more info to  find out the reason for those attacks.