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crazy conure

23 10:20:48

Hi Jennifer,
I have a jenday conure, he's now 17 and getting funnier by the minute. He has had a feeder in his cage for years, it's ceramic with a hood held to the cage by a ring with hooks. He's suddenly decided this is a plaything, and it's BIG...but never the less he is strong and stubborn, and knocks it down and now is climbing inside it. Why on earth is he doing this crazy behavior? He's making an even bigger mess than usual, though I admit it's funny when I rock the ceramic feeder around when he's got his head inside, it's pretty funny when he sort of attacks it. He's nuts...why is he doing this? By the way, his cage is always half covered, so he has plenty of privacy....his tail is sticking out of the feeder at the bottom of the cage as I type this! :-) Your .02? Thanks!

HI Ellen,

Sounds like your bird has made a nest, and with the cage half covered it's all more safe to nest. Breeding behavior does include aggressive behaviors so you may not want to encourage this. Is his cage always covered? Is there a reason you feel he needs this?
