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Can Indian Ringnecks and cocateils be in the same Avary

23 10:30:37

hi i have an yellow female ringneck she is to old to tame i have her in a large cage next to my cockateil avary i was wondering if i could put her in with them.? Is this ok?
Thank you

Hi, Tania.  Thanks for posting!

It's OK if they all are compatible.  I can't tell you if they are compatible because I'm not familiar with the personalities of your birds.  Each bird has it's own individual personality and whether they would get along well enough together to live in the same aviary is something you'll need to determine based on your knowledge of these birds.  Do you let these birds out of their cages/aviary to interact with each other?  If not, then I recommend you do so in order to determine how they get along.  I personally don't like to intermingle different species of birds together, especially if there's only 1 species together with a lot of a different species.  This is mainly due to differences in dietary requirements, size of bird/beak, etc.  However, if all these birds get along well together, then there's no reason why you couldn't put them in the same aviary, as long as you can fulfill the specific requirements of each species in the same aviary.  

If the ringneck is too old, you may not want to put s/he in with a group of tiels, as she may not be able to fend for herself, etc., depending on her health, ability to move around, and whether she might inflict injury to any of the tiels (or vice versa).  I highly recommend you "test the waters" first by letting them out together many times (under your supervision) to see how well they do together before you make any permanent decisions.
