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23 10:12:11

i was wondering if you got a incubator if you could buy a realy cheap parrot egg and hatch it and hand feed it.


It sounds simple enough doesn't it?  The problem with parrot eggs in incubators and hand feeding is that even professional breeders who have done it for years find there's a high degree of loss (unsuccessful attempts to hatch).
  The incubator will need to be one of the models that you can program to automatically turn the egg according to the breed of parrot and these are a few hundred dollars or more.
 The hand feeding would require being there for at least two weeks, initially feeding about every two hours, for 24 hours, every single day.  So, can you afford to stay home from work, school and not sleep more than about 1 1/2 hours at a time ?  
 You'd have to be trained too. Feeding involves a special formula with equipment and most importantly, an avian vet on call 24/7 for emergencies because with birds, problems can get life threatening really fast.

 See our girls and more about bird care here: