Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > conure biting

conure biting

23 10:07:05

we rescued a conure 3 months ago but i cannot get him to stop biting otherwise he is a happy singing normal conure any tips to avoid biting thanks

First you need to find out why his is biting. Is he biting because he is afraid? Because he is frustrated? Is it aggression?
These all need to be handled differently. This bird is fairly new you still need to work on gaining trust with this bird by lots of positive reinforcement. Let him know that you are friendly and not going to hurt him.

I have several training techniques and sources for you to check out.
The first on is a great book that I strongly encourage you read:
"The Second-Hand Parrot"

Also here is a great video with a great training technique:

Here is my website on bird behavior:

I also suggest that you join this site and get suggestions from other
Conure owners:

Thank you and good luck!