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Quacker or not

23 10:30:38

I have a 16 year old Orange winged Amazon who is my heart.  Ike and I have been together for 6 years and we have added several other feathered friends to our family tiels, lovebirds, canaries, and finches.  We have been considering adding a baby quacker to our family to.  But what will concern me is if both Ike and Alex will get along ok.  I know how possive Ike is and I have read how the quackers can be.  Is it a good idea, or should we just forget the hole thing?  We were wanting someone who can play with Ike in free time, where the rest of the babies can't because of his size.  Help us to deciede.

Lorie and Ike

Hi, Lorie and Ike.  Thanks for posting!

I can't say whether these two birds will get along well together because I don't know Ike's personality, nor the other's bird's personality.  Each bird is as different as humans are different, therefore, the answer to your question is that it depends on their individual personalities.  Do you realize that Quakers are about half the size of an orange wing?  Also, Quakers are illegal in some states, so you need to check this out in your state (start with the local Fish and Wildlife Service or you may be able to get this info on the internet).  In those states where they are legal, some might require their wings to be pinioned (cut off at the elbow) and others only require that their flight feathers be kept clipped at all times.  This is because they have become feral and are considered agricultural pests in some areas.  

Be careful what you read about Quakers (or other birds for that matter) in certain publications because you might just be reading that particular person's opinion of this species.  I've had very positive experiences with Quakers.  They are very nice parrots in my opinion (they are also known as Monk parakeets).  

A 16-year old OWA might not want to put up with a young Quaker, but again, this depends on the personalities of each of the birds.  Also, since Ike is bonded to you, he may not want any other birds around you.  How does he act when the other birds are around you?  How does he act when your husband/boyfriend/a significant other is around you?  I have parrots that are bonded to me that don't want ANY bird or other person near me!  

Do you want a bird for Ike because you can't devote enough time to him?  If so, you need to reconsider your decision to get another bird.  You may be biting off more than you can chew if time is a problem.  
