Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Amozon injured by fall

Amozon injured by fall

23 10:29:36

Please Maggie,

I have an Amazon that was injured by a fall of shoes.

The bird is alive but the voice has been lost although after 7 days there is partial recovery.

Do you have any suggestions to treatment?


Have you taken your bird to a vet yet? You should have taken him/her to a vet as soon as possible after the accident occured (if you didn't). Without a vet examining your bird to figure out what could be wrong, there is nothing that I (or anyone else on internet) can do to help your bird get better. You can find an avian vet near you at these websites (search by state, city, etc.):


Good Luck- and I hope your bird is ok and can recover once he gets the vet care he needs.
