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Cockateil Noises

23 10:25:00

"Hi, I have had my tiel for 2 weeks now. When I am home I play with her and let her run around the house, go my shoulder, I pet her...everything. She is still being hand fed and I am trying to wean her. The pet store told me to hand feed her and recently said to start weaning her. Anyway, I wanted to ask about the noises she makes. She makes this radio static sound when I am in the room mostly when she is hungry but sometimes after I feed her. Then, if I leave the room, she chirps really loud. When I come back, she goes back to that other sound. What does this mean? She is always quick to jump on my finger and crawl to my shoulder. Also, she is missing a little patch of feathers on her chest, its like it never grew in. Is that strange? "  

Dear Tara,
Thank Alot for your rude, negative ratings, you should ask a vet because at least i tried to HELP YOU.

Your Cockatiel is making these noises because she ALWAYS wants to be with you. If you are not holding him/her he will want to be with you and get your attention by squawking. The feathers on her chest will grow in in a later date. They will soon grow in.