Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Can budgies kill each other?

Can budgies kill each other?

23 10:31:17

Hi Reverend Abbott,

I have 7 budgies that are kept in a very large avery in my backyard (about 5 metres long, 2 metres high and wide). We also have a shelf with 5 breeding boxes. But more to the point, I was wondering if budgies have been known to kill each other over particular breeding boxes? Because I originally had 10 budgies but 3 of them suddenly "dropped dead". Not at the same time, but across approximately a 10 month period. All 3 were females aswell. There was no external bleeding, their necks didn't look broken and all were healthy and happy.

I can only think that maybe the girls are fighting over the breeding box in the centre of the shelf which they all seem to favour for some reason....but I'm not sure if it's fighting to the death!

I would really appreciate any advice you could give because it's very frightening and awful to find your budgies dead on the floor.

Thanks a lot, Adele  

In controlled spaces like this it's possible the females were so competitive that aggression became deadly.

This is very sad indeed since it doesn't make for a harmonious flock or socialization and could easily lead to chicks being killed next.

If you know the source of the problem (the one breeding box), remove it. Reposition the boxes so that there are an equal number at the same levels and the same distance apart from each other.

If this doesn't solve the problem (if you see or hear fighting that lasts too long or seems too intense), you're going to need to separate the females involved.  Sometimes it's a personality issue (which in the bird world is usually over a male).

I would have also brought at least one of the bodies in for a necropsy, just to be sure there was no viral (or other) health problem in the aviary. If there is, the devastation of losing the whole aviary, including chicks, is far greater than the cost of the necropsy and guilt you'll feel afterwards.

We like to have 'well bird' check ups at least once a year (and sometimes twice), just to avoid any problems and to be sure to catch things early enough to treat. Many avian vets are mobile now and it would be a very good idea to have one visit. That way a professional can look at your set up, evaluate the whole enclosure, food, boxes and pairings and give you invaluable advice for the most successful and healthy hobby or even business you could have.  
 It's really worth it!

I'm really sorry about your losses. No matter what the cause, I'd be broken hearted to find what you did.
 God bless,