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information on my quaker parrot i just baught

23 10:30:20

how can i train my bird to talk and do tricks

Before you can jump into trick training, you need to establish a relationship as a flock member. It's easy to want to rush the process, but professional trainers will tell you, while it can take just a few days for a bird to learn certain tricks, they have to want to learn it! They need to trust and know you.  This often takes months.

First, establish a routine. A daily habit that includes feedings, out of cage time, handling and learning each other.

Each bird is different. We had a cockatiel who learned more than 30 different words and used them in sentences before he was 1 1/2 years old. The typical vocabulary of a 'tiel is maybe half that (or less).  Some never talk.

Meanwhile, our two macaws are four years old and at best have a 12 word vocabulary without sentences. Their ability to do any significant 'tricks' yet is minimal.

Considering these birds will live 20 to 65 years, you need to keep in mind that your Senagal is just a baby.  You can't expect a toddler to talk much or do a whole lot of anything, right?

Take a look at how to develop your relationship and what he needs from you first ok?