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egg found in cage

23 10:03:56

We have a Quaker Parrot and a Sun Conure Parrot they about a year old they have been together most of thier lives, this morning we found an egg in the cage with them this morning. I don't know who laid it or what to do with it. Please help us!


-- If the birds (or even one of them) is tending to the egg, let them keep it.  It will help curb the laying of another to replace it.

When they stop tending to it, remove it.

If it's cracked or broken, remove it.

--- The egg is not fertile.  Two different species.  They can bond and even go through 'mating' behaviors, but they cannot make a baby.

Go here to learn more about how to modify diet to keep the female healthy as egg laying can deplete her resources.  Also, you want to discourage egg laying because it can threaten her health, so check it out