Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > beak


23 10:05:29

hi i have a 12 week old African gray and he is grinding his beak its like he is shivering but its his beak grinding together is that anything to worried about ?

--Probably nothing to worry about.  When a bird is content, calm and feeling safe, they will sometimes grind their beak.

There are maintenance issues being taken care of when they do this, including keeping the beak in shape and the inside of it clean and free of food they may have eaten.

Now, if your bird is actually shaking or shivering, it could be something else entirely and rather than take any chances it would be a good idea to have him checked by your vet.

Remember, ALL birds need a vet and at least once a year check ups.  Don't put it off if you haven't had it done yet.  And have the DNA testing done not only for typical diseases, but to confirm the sex.

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