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When should the weaning period end for a Goffin Cockatoo?

23 10:17:11

I have a 5 month old goffin who is displaying the "feed me" behavior even though she feeds on pellets. I stopped weaning right after 4 months but I believe she is going into feeding regression mode.

Any insights?

Thanks so much

Hi, JJ,

Perhaps your bird isn't getting enough variety in foods if she is just on pellets.  She needs to be fed a variety of foods in addition to pellets, such as veggies, fruits, pasta (without sauce), multigrain and whole grain items, dry sugarless cereals, cooked beans, etc., etc.  The more variety the better.  This may help fix the begging behavior.  It is not uncommon for young birds to try to beg to be handfed after they've been weaned.  They will beg when they hear the voice of the person that handfed them, when they visually see this person, when this person touches them, etc....this is normal.  Sometimes things happen that result in a bird regressing.  Has anything traumatic happened recently to your Goffin's (think like your bird in trying to determine this)?  Your bird might be testing you to see if you will give in to her "begging displays."  

Give her a more varied diet and see if this doesn't help.  If it doesn't work after a period of time, come back and we'll try something else.
