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Fluffed feathers...

23 10:22:27

I recently bought two peachface lovebirds. Both of them get along great and cuddle up to each other. But I noticed the first day that my one of my lovebirds,name (Sunny) has had his feathers fluffed all the time. Sunny still eats, drinks water, talks and plays w/the other one. But he still has his feathers fluffed. I'm just wondering if he is sick... He sleeps more than my other bird and always wants to be cuddle up w/the other one. It's been three days and his feathers are still fluffed...can you please inform me or explain to me why he is this way. This is my very first time having birds as pets.

Also someone else had informed me that he might be stressed out due to the cage is sort of small, but that is my next step in getting a bigger cage.

Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you...
ANSWER: Birds fluff their feathers for several different reasons they will fluff when they are preening or content just to shake everything into place, sometimes they fluff when they are cold beacause it is their way of keeping the air close to their body and warming themselves (in this case you could try providing a happy hut or draping a warm blanket on the outside of the cage in a corner where he could get away from any drafts). I would reccomend you take him to a vet just to be on the safe side since he has been keeping them so fluffed. Good for you getting a bigger cage for them our little friends should always have the largest space availble. I am sure you will love your birds they are very addicting as pets. When ever you get a new pet of any kind it is always a good idea to take him or her to the vet to make sure there aren't any hidden problems. Hope this helps --- Kelli

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Kelli thanks for your response, but I have some bad news. Yesterday when I arrived home after work, I found my lovebird, Sunny, had past away! He must of been sick when I bought I'm scared that my other lovebird might get sick as well. I cleaned out the cage and replaced everything new. Is this a good idea...will the other lovebird be okay w/out the other lovebird company? Just worried about the one I have left now. I'm thinking about getting another lovebird this weekend w/a bigger cage for both the new bird and the one I have and put them together. Is this okay?
Please advise, thanks.  

I'm so sorry about your loss. Birds are very good at hiding illness so it is hard to know if they are sick in addition it is sometimes hard to find someone to treat them. You did good to clean everything in case it was something contagious. Where did you get the birds? Most petstores particularly the large chain ones have very good policies about taking them back in this case you should notify the store a bird you bought died soon after purchase and if you aren't too attached to the remaining one return him and start fresh from someone else's stock.
 If you are attached to the remaining bird and I don't blame you if you are - You should take him to the vet for gram stains and blood work particularly blood work alot can be told from this. The vet will be over a 100 probably so it is completely you call.
 He should be fine without a companion it is a myth that lovebirds have to be kept in pairs. he might grieve a little or he might be ok. When you get another bird you should introduce them slowly on neutral ground and watch them in the cage together lovebirds are notoriously territorial. I hope this answered all your questions let me know what happens. ---Kelli