Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > afreican grey

afreican grey

23 10:34:04

Followup To
Question -
Dear Barbara,

i have some questions that you might help me with regarding my african grey which i breeded for almost 9 months.

1. How can i know the sex of my bird?
2. How can i indicate his age?
3.  How am i able to tell that he's going to be able to talk or not?
4. If my bird ( though) do not talk yet, have a cute looking and behaviour, excellent health and size, what would he be worthing if decided to sell him?

thanks alot in advance and looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Answer -

1. sex of your bird: take the grey to the vet ,that is how we do all of our birds.

2. indicate his age:  greys eyes change with their age. or at the same time you take your grey to the vet he can help you with that.

3. talking: you can not, but most greys will start at about 6 months of age. you have to talk to them alot if you want them to talk.

4.selling:  If you are thinking of selling why do you have the bird? if you are thinking of selling?
we are not into selling birds,so I have no ideal on prices.
our birds are part of our family and we have alot of birds,so it makes for a very large family.

Barbara take care

thank you for your prompt reply,

but you didnt give me a decent answer,  Go to the vet!

its better for you to say " i do not know" for all the questions! its not your business wether am going to sell or buy the bird! you either give an informative answer or say that you dont know!  

the only way I know to sex birds are to take them to the vet for a dna test. that was what we were told when we started with our bird.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20 years ago.
you are the one that ask the question on priceing your bird
greys sell for 900.00 dollars in our area.
is that what you wanted