Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > my parrot has just started bitin

my parrot has just started bitin

23 10:15:59

after three yrs my parrot has just started biting,  he has been plucking his feathers but since bringing him up to my new home in scotland he has gotten his feathers  back but recently he has started attackin mself as in biting..anyone any ideas...  i thought maybe cause he is moulting  .... but i am not sure

Hello Heen and thank you for your post.
If this is a problem that has just started since you moved, he might not like his new environment, which is not unusual.
Molting cold play a role in this also.  Molting is very stressful for a bird physically and mentally.  When he bites, ignore him.  When he is good, reward him with one of his favorite treats and a lot of praise.  This is a positive reinforcement, and he will learn that when he is bad and bites, he will get no attention, but when he is nice, he'll get all of the attention that he wants.
Please keep me updated.

Good luck and God Bless.