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My Macaw just laid an egg!

23 10:18:12

Hi - I have a blue and gold macaw who is about 15 years old and he (or so I thought) just laid an egg.  I'm worried because many years ago I had a white cap pionus who laid so many eggs, she became severely calcium deficient and passed away.  Is there anything special I should do for Buddy?  Is a vet check necessary?  He hasn't been in about 10 years.  Or, is this normal...even after 15 years.  Thanks!  Teena

Hi Teena! Congratulations he--I mean she is a girl!!Yes, she can become calcium deficient so cuttle bones real sunshine and/or uv lights are really needed broccoli and almonds wouldn't hurt either. Let her have fewer daylight hours and of course, see your Vet! Vets are The best! if they know birds and just say you want a check up for this year, thell Doc whats going on and they may say what I have. But If she continues to do this I could really hurt her.My best to you and your baby! Christy