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African Gray parrot

23 10:18:12

I got a 3 years old female African Gray and noticed lately that her beak right after the tip is swelled a little on one side and somehow looks like peeling off from that side (very little), is this natural like if she is growing or is it accident hurt or disease or?
please advice.

Hello Ellie, I'm so sorry All Experts informs me that The answers I sent you never made it to you.I couldn't feel worse as I care about people and their pets.I do think you should check it out with your Vet, because the flaking is normal but swelling sound as if it could be an infection. To save money try to make an anual check up and mention that you have concerns about his beak. I worry about Psitasine beak and feather disease. Look to see if his feathers look misshapen and if he is losing weight. I hope your bird will do well. Sincerly, Christy