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how to tame my budgie

23 10:34:27

Hi, i've been trying to tame my budgie for 4 weeks now and i need as much help as possible.
i've checked all the other questions about budgies on this site but nothing works

p.s. i have 2 budgies

Hello Andrei and thank you for your question,

with two budgies they wont get as tame as a sinlge one they may not even tame at all, if you were looking for a tame and loving pet bird you should have gotten one, it wouldnt be lonely with a large cage plenty of toys and daily interaction from you, offering treats throguht cage bars never worked for me thou some claim it does, the best results I've had is to take them out of the cage one by one in your hadn or in a light towel, this is where clipped wings comes in handy, take the bird to another room, bathroom works great if its quite and be sure all open drains are sealed and that there isnt a window open and be sure to close the tolite seat, take the bird out of the toel adn sit it on your hand or arm getting it on your finger will be diffcut when taking it out of the towel, talk to it gentaly and stroke its back, if it flys away when you touch it pick it up and try again, keep trying until he doesnt move when yuor petting him, offering a treat now may work now, try a piece of spary millet, do this with each bird around three times a day for ten/fifteen minutes each time after a week there should be some change in tehre behavier towards you if there isnt then its safe to say tehy will never be tame.