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Senegal Beak

23 10:31:29

Hi, my senegal parrot is about 22 years old, he was originaly my aunties, but she passed away last year, and now im looking after him, i have 2 other cockatiels in the room also, they seem to get along fine, i obviously dont let them out together. Anyway, floyd, my parrot, seems to have a bit of a problem, i woke up today and thought he was fine, but having a closer look ( i cant handle him, he's aggresive towards men, especialy me for some reason) his beak looked to be cracked.. and there seemed to be blood on it.. i had a closer look and after a while the cracked bit seems to have gone, and it looks shorter, as if maybe  a bit has dropped off.. its really very worrying for me, i hate to think that he's hurt himself in anyway, and its obviously quite a shock to see him like that,, he seems fine and in no obvious pain.. im n ot sure if he can eat or anything, he hasnt had anything yet.. i was wondering if you could give me any advice on this at all, i would be extremely appreciative. thank you.

Hi, Adam.  Thanks for posting.

It would be most helpful if I had a picture of what you're talking about.  However, if this is bothering you and since you're there with the bird and can see what is going on and you're concerned there is a problem, there most likely is.  I recommend you take your parrot to an avian veterinarian for an evaluation of the beak ASAP.  If a bird has a beak problem, it might prevent s/he from eating/drinking, which can have disasterous results.  It's better to be safe than sorry with this bird.
