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Red Bellied Parrot losing feathers around eyes

23 10:11:44


I am a new parrot owner. I have a, now 5 month old African Red Bellied Parrot (very similar to a Senegal).

He has just started loosing feathers around his eyes. Mostly around the front, between his beak and eyes. Should I be worried?
I also noticed a spot under his neck, when i blow on the feathers, hes missing a little patch of his down feathers. Very small and only noticeable when I move the top feathers. No visible pin feathers, so i don't think he's molting yet.

He was weaned a month ago, and I feed him pellets, and offer him a seed mixture as well. He really started liking the seeds in the past few weeks and eats as much as I will give him (about 2/3 pellets, 1/3 seed).

I hesitate to bring him to the vet, just went in 2.5 weeks ago for an irritated eye that turned out to be nothing. Vet was worried as he was a baby, and had me do the whole workup, checked stools for bacteria, blood work, said I should do a chlamydia shot series (we gave him one shot and turned out he just had a feather stuck under an eyelid so did not continue)... Spent 500+ dollars basically for nothing. All tests show normal.

So... I don't really want to go back and have to do a bunch of other random tests that show nothing is wrong.

But I am worried... is there any reason he would be loosing these feathers?

I think you're doing a fantastic job so far and if I could give you an award I would!  You actually cared enough to bring your little one to a vet and you did the right thing, something far too many people hesitate to do these days.

You spent that money for peace of mind.  And now you have a vet to go to if you ever need it or have an emergency.  Believe me, this is excellent!

 Now, as for the feather loss, hopefully it's a molt that isn't apparent yet with new pinfeathers.  Given that you've recently had a battery of tests done and a good outcome, I'll support you waiting and watching for now.  

You have to monitor the droppings though, as well as behavior of course and eating.  

Did you have a DNA/genetic screen done to determine any other disease and give you a definitive sexing?  

 Check my site (you'll see how well you're doing with the food too) and then let me know ok?   Click on the bird tab there