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budgies behaviour

23 10:31:01

i have two budgies and one of then trys sticking his head out of the cage
between the bars.  he can almost get out of the cage. i just want to know why he
does that and what i can do to stop it.

Hello Jenny.
the budgie that is sticking it's head out of the cage is simply trying to get out of the cage.  If it can almost get out, then the bars of the cage are too widely spaced apart, thus allowing him to be able to stick it's head out.
Budgies are very smart birds, and they need to be stimulated.  Try giving this bird some hanging toys in it's cage.  Brightly colored toys will almost certainly attract this bird's attention.  Make sure that you have at least one bell on a toy, as it will enjoy ringing it.  Just please, do not put any mirrors in the cage, as this will only frustrate the birds.  They may try to bond and communicate with this "other bird", and when they get no response from it, they will get frustrated and turn mean.
Some kind of ropes, maybe even something that they can try to untie, and something that they can climb.   Make sure that you change the toys around in the cage every now and then.  This way they will not get bored.

I hope this helps.

Good luck and God Bless.