Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > My budgie isnt happy

My budgie isnt happy

23 10:31:19

I've had my budgie for a while now, and he never wants to spend time with me. His cage is next to the tv which my grandma watches all the time. I know that it isn't good for him but my parents won't let me move it anywhere else. What can I do about this?

Hi, Eugenie.  Thanks for posting.

Why do you say your budgie never wants to spend time with you?  How do you know this?  Is this bird tame?  How old is your budgie?  Do you allow s/he to come outside his/her cage?  Is your budgie bonded to you or sometone else in your family?  Do you have other pets?  

I need more details about your situation in order to answer your questions.

