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feather loss, maturing lovebird

23 10:18:27

I received O'Roddy 4 months ago (he is now 10 months) and then Rosie (7 months) 1 1/2 months ago.  Rosie chases O'Roddy away from the food and treats all the time.  But they do sleep together in their hut.  Recently O'Roddy seems to be losing the feathers around his beak.  His peach color is not as bold as it was.  Rosie also chases him around the cage and he seems frightened of her.  Is this feather loss normal for a maturing bird and is her behavior towards him normal?

While this time of year sees plenty of molting birds (natural feather loss and replacement), it sounds a bit like your girl is plucking O'Roddy!  You might want to put them in separate cages, right next to each other so they continue to have the companionship - and then you can better tell how O'Roddy is doing.  If his feathers don't recover in a couple weeks to a month, he should be evaluated by a vet who knows avians (or avian vet specialist) for underlying causation such as parasites, fungus or bacterial infection, among other things.

 When it comes to birds, early diagnosis and treatment is nearly always the most successful and least expensive.