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Blue Front Amazons

23 10:11:48

I've been looking to buy two Blue Front Amazons. I've seen pic and want to set up meeting soon. The owner has them in same cage for about 2 weeks. They are Male and Female. She said they are getting along fine. They are 11 and 12 years old. My question is are they over breeding age? When does that end? Should This would be my first pair. Should I consider younger pair?

Hi there - no, Amazons can breed well into their adult lives.  I have heard of a 35 year old pair that are still going strong.  You just have to be certain they are given the best possible care, mentally and health wise, especially diet.  What confuses most people is the age that amazons become sexually mature - which can be anytime between 3 - 7 years of age.  This is sometimes known as a "breeding age" but does not mean that is the only time they are successful breeders.  It means that is the period of time they are mature enough to breed.  

Be sure you do your homework on breeding, if you haven't already and be sure you know what you're getting yourself into.  :-)

Good luck.