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Lovebird Question

23 10:06:24

I am technically "babysitting" a lovebird for a while. (long while) I've had this male for approx. 5-6 months and I also have 2 budgies in a separate cage beside the lovebird. They do socialize but I'm looking to get a female to place with him. The only issue I'm having is the owner told me that for whatever reason she placed a couple different types of birds in one cage and the lovebird that i have was the only one in the end left alive. The owner doesn't really know if the lovebird killed the other birds or not but I'm kind of concerned to place another bird with him. Also wondering if you are always supposed to have 2 lovebirds and not leave one left alone. I spoke with the owner and she told me not to place another bird with him. I'm just getting told so many different things if you could help that would be great.
Thank you

I'm glad you asked!  It's a very old and steadfast myth about lovebirds needing a mate.  It's also absolutely, positively, 100% not true.  Let's try to get that info out there right?

--- Lovies are wonderfully social birds and like most psittacines (hook billed parrots) will mate for life; however, in a human household they can bond with their two legged family and be just as happy as ever.

In fact, adding a bird to any bird's environment will lessen the human bond.  Even birds of two different species will bond more to each other than to their human if they share a cage.

All of our birds are in separate cages, but in the same room so they have company.  This way the birds are much easier to handle, cuddle and interact with.  Their bond is with us.

Take a look here to see

I know the info out there is confusing - the info at the site (above) is current, professional and supported by avian medical journal publications, studies and ongoing research.  It's also got lots of pics!  

--- I think the part about taming and handling will help you establish the bond between him and you that he hasn't found with another love bird.   They can be very territorial and aggressive when another bird enters their space (cage).  That's probably what happened.  Very sad.

Just check back with me to let me know how you're doing and what else I can help with.