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How to get my parrot like me.

23 10:23:18

Hi again. He's a 7 months old Macaw Parrot. He is kept in a very large cage with a gym bar ontop, which he does not use, in my livingroom. He comes out of the cage every day. He doesn't like going back in. If I get him to come to me more, he will be out of the cage alot more.
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I have a 7 months old parrot which my partner bought for me in December. The problem I am having is that he will go to my partner & will play with him, but he wont come to me. If I put my arm out for him to come to me, he bites me. How do I get him to come to me more and to do the things he does with my partner? As my partner doesn't have that much time for him anymore. Plus he will sqaurk very loud, none stop if we don't get him out all of the time. Can you help? Thankyou!
Two things: 1st, what kind of parrot?

2nd, 7 months old (no matter what kind) is very, very young. It's like having a human infant. Of course that infant is going to cry and be needy, it's what comes natural.

Get back to me about what kind he is and how he's kept, where, what sort of cage, etc. - I'll work with you on making this just right for everyone, including the bird

 Take a look at ours  

A macaw is a very special parrot! It's our major focus of rescue too, mostly because they end up cage bound, neglected and sometimes even abused. They have the most powerful beak of all parrots! Even the smaller macaws can bite worse than cockatoos and eclectus, pionus and amazons!
 While your bird is highly intelligent - he can't figure out that he's being left in the cage for punishment - he'll quickly adapt to that as his territory and be more and more difficult to get out as he gets older.

 By having him out every day (we have ours out no less than 6 hours a day, every day of the week) you can show him that coming to you is a pleasant thing. When he comes, offer a special treat, toy or just lots of praise and interaction. We often use a combo of these things.  
 And again, remember, he's just 7 months old.  Though he's close to full size and looks like an adult of the same species, with a 65 year lifespan expected (if it's a blue and gold or similar size) - 7 months old is just a little baby!

 Take a look at ours and how we do it