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scared parrot

23 10:15:50

i have a parakeet its multi coloured we rescued it locally its a very nice bird.  the thing is we cant let him have a fly about as he wont let you near him. even when sorting something in his cage he goes crazy absolutely terrified of us. i try slowly trying to get him to some to my hand but he is very scared i have held him before but he hated it and just squawked loudly and munched painfully at ma fingers.  could you please suggest hot to get parrot used to me as its ashame hes locked in cage. i think hes just really scared.

Hi Robert,
When did you get your parakeet?If youv had him for under a week its pointless to try to work with him yet.
Leave him to get to his new surroundings undisturbed for 1 whole week.
After a week start putting treats through the cage bars and holding them there until he comes and gets it/them.
When he starts taking treats from you confidently and frequently,introduce your hand into the cage and leave it there with some of his favorite treats e.g buds of millet and sunflower seads.
Get your hand closer and closer until he flys away or jumps away.
Try and get him to step up,by gently pushing his breast with your finger.
If hes not as scared,thats when you let him out of the cage,make sure all doors and windows are closed and the curtains drawn.
When you get him out of the cage sit and dont move,his curiosity should overcome him,and you will find he comes to see you getting closer and closer.
When/if he does,try to get him to step up,and when he does put him back in the cage.
When you get up to this stage post back and tell me whats happening with your parrot.
Good luck Robert,