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about my cockatoo

23 10:12:51

i have a 1 year old sulphur crested cockatoo. i notice that she has been chewing her feathers especially near the wings.  i thought of getting her some toys but i read an article saying that bird's toys contain lead and PVC which is not safe for the birds. i love her so much and i spend most of the time with her. this is my first pet bird and i would like know more on how to take care of her and a solution to stop her from chewing her feathers. thank you.

Bird toys are perfectly safe, as long as you buy them from good companies. You may want to have a vet look at her to make sure that the plucking isn't due to a disease, but I expect that it's due to boredom. Find 4 or 5 toys that are made for Cockatoos and put them in her cage. Wood and rope toys are usually the favorites. Give her some time to get adjusted to playing with the toys and she may stop plucking.