Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Scariness


23 10:18:01

My love bird is too scary.It is alone,it does not have a partner.When ever I bring my hand near it,it always run.But the 1st day it wasn't that scared.I gave him other than seeds but he does not eat his plums.There are no toys for him is that really a problem?He does not cheerp to much.He is not friendly at all.The 1st day he ate from my hand but after thathe have never come near me.Please send me a solution.

thank you for your question.
You need patience, birds are not that easy to tame. Offer him millet spray or other treats on your hand and let him come to you, but don't put any pressure on him, he has to decide himself when it's time for him to sit on your hand. Keep offering all kinds of vegetables and fruit, sometimes they need to get used to them, usually birds don't eat what they don't know at first.

He should have at least some toys to keep him entertained, those can be simple - some branches (apple, pear, hazel, willow, beech, birch, if you have access to untreated trees) can be enough - he can peel the bark ofr, chew the wood, climb around on them ect. A mirror is not a good toy because it can cause crop infection whe the bird tries to feed the mirror bird again and again.

I recommend getting another bird, altough it's a bit complicated with lovebirds. If you know a good breeder, ask if your bird can choose his partner from the breeder's flock, they are choosy about their partner and often don't accept the one their owner has chosen for them.

I hope I was of some help to you