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Teke my Quaker Parrot

23 10:26:59


I recently took in a quaker parrot named Teke.  He is quite a cute little handful.  My question regards how to handle him.  The family i got him from were good to him overall but one of the members would stick his hand in and try to catch him.  Teke is now EXTREMELY scared of hands.  if i put a towel over my hand he will get on but not mu hand and will instead bite - really hard.  although he doesn't break the skin anymore, how can i work to get him to trust me and potentially allow me to hold him and take him out of his cage?


Hello Colleen. Thank you for your post.
First of all, do NOT put your hand inside the cage.  This is TEKE'S territory, and he will protect it.
The best that you can do is be patient and give him time.  Keep trying to get him to step up onto your hand outside of his cage.  Let him come out on his own.
Here is a link to a site that I recommend very highly.  I use the methods on my own birds and on the birds that I get into my home with great results.

Good luck and God Bless.