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how can I tame me lovebirds

23 10:25:28

hello, this is tita. I really need your help on how i can tame my lovebirds. I have three lovebirds and I put them in a big cage. Every time I try to hold them or put my hand in their cage they ran away from me. Please tell me what I can do to tame them. They are about eleven months old.

It is quite hard to tame birds that are bonded to eachother, especially if they have not been hand reared and they are living in a big cage. Most birds living like this will never become tame. If you want a tame bird, its better to get hand reared ones and handle them from they are young. This doesnt mean that your birds arent happy though, it sounds like they have a great life with lots of room and company of their own kind. Try giving them treats and spending time with them to see if they become any tamer. Good luck