Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Training my African Grey to stand on a T perch

Training my African Grey to stand on a T perch

23 10:34:37

The question is regarding getting my 2 year old African Grey to use a stand perch I bought for him about 4 months ago. I have placed the perch besides his cage so that he can get used to it. He will step on the base part of the perch and eat from there but no matter how much I try to get him to use the T perch part he just jumps off and seems to not want to know I have been trying now for about three months without success. I am trying to get him to use the tpart of the perch so that I may train him

Can you advice please  

Unfortunately, some greys can be very frightened of new things (for reasons unknown most of the time to us).

Here are some articles with information about introducing greys/birds to new items and how to help them over come their fears:

Hopefully these articles will give you some insight to your bird's behavior and how to work to correct this irrational fear he has with his T-stand.

I hope this helps.
