Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > i want them blue!

i want them blue!

23 10:25:25

i have a female Double Dark (Slate, Mauve) Cinnamon and a male Dark Aqua Pied/Split Turquoise but these are just my opinions because i see them on the web that they are just alike as my pets....can i have a chance to have a whitefaced blue?

Hi, Julius.  Thanks for posting!

What type of parrots are you talking about here?  In most cases when you're dealing with parrot genetics, you have to know the coloration of the parents of the adult birds you want to breed in order to produce the color offspring you want to produce.  Whatever type of parrots you are referring to you know the coloration of the parent birds of the pair of birds you want to breed?
