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Black Masked

23 10:31:28

Hi I am observing kind of an odd behavior in my blackmasked lovebirds. I have been trying to breed my blackmasked lovebirds for a while now but whenever i visit the bird room (usually twice a day) I have not been seeing any signs that they are interested in breeding until yesterday morning i noticed that one of the birds were inside the nestbox. the bird was in there for quite a while and when i came back yesterday evening the bird is again inside the nest box sitting kind of fat. I dont know if these are signs of breeding because there isnt any nesting material inside the nest box. I have been providing a lot of nesting material. the lovies arent using them.
Do they need a nest to lay their eggs in or can they lay eggs on just the circle spot of the nestbox?
The other lovie (outside the nestbox) is moving pretty active. Looking kiind of hyper

It certainly sounds as though at least one of your birds is looking to breed.

They will sometimes lay without building a nest though it is unusual. When this is over, try changing the nesting material. Apple or willow branches or palm leaves are usually accepted.