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Nanday conure

23 10:14:10

I have a nanday conure which we have had for about 3 years, shes never had a problem till recently and has started pulling her feathers out from her back, belly and one of her legs. I am a little concerned as to why she is doing this. Please help

Feather plucking is a very touchy subject because it is caused by both medical and psychological reasons. Because it is so sudden, I would take her to the vet to rule out any disease. If everything comes up clean start looking for environmental stressors like if you have recently remodeled your home, moved, a family member moved out or in, you got a new pet, you are not home as much, etc. All of these little things can cause your bird to go crazy and start plucking. I hope your vet visit turns out well and if the vet finds no reason for the plucking, please let me know and I can try to help you pinpoint the cause.