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Green Cheek and Sun Conure; dangerous mix?

23 10:18:02

I currently own a one year old Green Cheek and I'm looking to purchase a Sun Conure within the next year.
I was just recently informed by a breeder of green cheeks that pairing a Sun Conure and Green Cheek together could be dangerous to the gc being that the sun is much larger then the gc. They said the Sun is very likely to attack the gc causing harm or possible death. Although I have read many articles talking about gc and suns being together and I have seen them paired in pet stores.
What is your opinion on this matter?
Have you heard of suns harming a gc before?

Any combination of birds can be potentially dangerous. We've heard of same species killings in pairs that got along for years. Their environment is important. We never advise keeping two birds together in the same cage, with some exceptions of course.
 Housing the new addition in their own cage would be the best choice and it would keep them both safe, plus they'd be more likely to stay bonded to you rather than each other.
Take a look at how we have our birds kept (click the bird tab).

Our girls keep each other good company, but are only allowed to be out together with constant supervision.
You should be able to do this if you take reasonable precautions.