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taming adopted breeding parrots

23 10:35:07


I just adopted two amazon parrots and know there is alot of work ahead to at least  work with them to tame them. They have the open band possibly indicating that they may have been wild caught. Someone decided to make breeder birds out of them. I know they will never be as lovable as a hand fed baby, I love parrots and I know that these little guys have great potential to at least trust, and maybe even develop a friendship. DO you have any suggestions or can you direct me to the right place?

Thank you in advance for any information that may help us in our venture.

I expect baby steps not over night miracles!

Respectfully Vicki  

Hi Vicki,

First off- THANK YOU for taking in these two rescued birds! :)  I could never understand the idea of breeding wild, untamed (often times, very mean) birds...


it is possible to gain the trust of a parrot who has never been handled by people, at any point in their life. Although your Amazons might have been wild caught, an open band is not a guarantee. Now a days, many breeders/venders for big name pet stores do not use close bands for their baby birds. They are in fact raised in captivity, but open bands are easier, because they can be put on a parrot at any time during fledging/weaning. Where a closed band has to be put on at just the right time (varies depending on species)... but the bird needs to be just big enough for the band to not fall off or be too heavy... and still small enough for the band to fit over their foot/leg.

Here are some articles/books/websites that I hope you will find of interest: (not that your birds were necessarily abused... but if they were, or if they were in fact wild caught... they will need much of the same reassurance and have the same need to learn to trust)

I hope this helps.
