Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > ringneck


23 10:29:57

i can't give you a link to a photo, but if you want i can e-mail you a photo directly
what angle(s)would you like the photos taken from ?

regards Kerry

Followup To

Question -
Aquired what we think is a ringneck, its about 16months old we think and about 6inches in hieght. Is this a normal size for its age and should it get any bigger. The person we bought it off has cut the wings himself, when it walks it trips over one wing and when its wings are closed one looks higher than the other should we be concernd about it.

with thanks


Answer -
Hi, Kerry.  Thanks for posting!

Is there any way you can send a link to a picture of this bird?  When you say about 6 inches in height, please explain.  Ringnecks are about 12 inches long from head to tail.  

If this bird is 16 months old, it is full grown.  Clipping of wing flight feathers shouldn't result in the problems you describe UNLESS something went terribly wrong during the clipping.  Sounds more like the bird could have a wing injury of some sort, perhaps a broken wing.  When wings are closed, they should lay nicely along the side of the bird without one higher than the other.  There's a problem here, but I need more details about the situation in order to be helpful.



Hi again, Kerry.

You can send photos to  I'd like to see a photo of the entire bird in order to be sure of it's species.  I'd also like to see front and side shots of the injured wing.  Any additional shots that would help me try to identify the wing problem would be appreciated.

I'm using my work computer at the moment because my home computer is in the shop for repair.  If I don't get back to you until Monday morning, this would be the reason.  However, I may be able to use someone else's computer over the weekend to check my mail.

Thanks much!
