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Conures and possible chicks

23 10:23:50

Some people in this world are incredibly dim-witted.
I am not rying to breed anything, nor do I welcome such an event.
But I DO have 4 conures living together in a cage, and I 'suspect' that 2 might have paired off and started a family.
For this so called expert 'Jess' to suggest that I am not a responsible pet owner is sheer bird-brained idiocy.
This 'expert' should try and address my problem and forget trying to be judgemental.
I want to know what I can do to help the birds.
Obviously coming to 'this' forum is a mistake that is getting me nowhere.
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The text above is a follow-up to ...

I have four conures and two bugies living in a big 4x3x2 foot cage.  They all get along well and have many toys to play with.  I give them boxes to chew up and make little homes with regularly.  Two of the conures have paired off and were regularly having sex.  Not such a great event since I am a teacher and my students are pre-teens. Anyway, lately, I noticed that one of the conures rarely comes out of its box.  I think perhaps it might have laid some eggs and is looking after them because it was always out and visible before.
So my question is, IF in fact there are eggs or chicks in the box, what should I be doing?
I can not see inside the oblong box, ( a wine box ), to check if they have any family in there.
Should I leave them be, or should I be doing something to help them.
The two birds have been in there about 90% of the time for the past 4 - 6 days.
I should also add that all the birds are not so 'tame'.  They will not come to my hand at all.
I just let them be and look after their water food, and cleaning.
Thank You,
Hi there, if there is eggs or chicks, the parents will need food to feed them, they can rear them by themselves as long as they have some parrot rearing food and egg food soaked in water. You can get these from most petshops? Where are these birds kept? Is it in a classroom then it could be a bit stressful for them to rear babies there. Would there be a quieter place they could raise them as stress and fear especially in untame birds could cause them to reject the chicks. Also you might want to move the budgies incase the conures get protective of their chicks and injure the budgies. In future I would just remove the nest box so that they arent breeding, I would also have a look to see if there is any eggs or babies but try to do it carefully so that you dont disturb them. Good luck
Thank You for your reply.
I live in China, and there is 'nothing' like parrot food or anything like that.  It's a dog eat dog type of existence for pets here.  By the way, the people eat dogs here too, and dog meat is considered to be better than beef. (shudder)
I will follow your advice but I am not sure what you mean by egg food soaked in water.
I will fry and boil 2 eggs and put pieces in a water dish for them.
I feed them millet seeds, and fresh corn, sweet peas in the shell, broccoli, lettuce and some other leafy vegetables.
They do not eat nuts, apples, oranges, grapes, bananas or any other fruit I give them.
I did give them some fried egg but I felt bad about birds eating eggs.  They ate a bit of it so I will try again.
The cage is in my living room.
I teach private classes so there is never more than 6 students here, and most of the time no one is here.
The birds appear to be quite content with everything.
I am definitely concerned about looking in the box to see what is going on in there.
As you say I do not want to stress them out.
I put small boxes in  there regularly, so the birds can chew them up and make little homes out of them.
They sleep in them at night and play in them in the day.
When they chew up the box so little is left, I exchange it with a new one.
By the way, where would they lay their eggs if they did not have a box?
I appreciate 'any' information you can give me.
Thank You.
Please DONT give fried eggs, that could kill them. Egg food is a specialised kind of bird food that is rich and nutrients that you find from pet shops. Are you trying to breed these birds? Why if there is not the proper nutrition available for them in the country would you want to breed more. I dont see that as responsible pet ownership

If you didnt give your birds nesting boxes, they probably wouldnt breed, so it sounds like you WANT to breed, thats why i said take out the boxes. I told you what to do about diet and you said you dont have any of that stuff in china and you misunderstood and said you would give them fried egg so I said not to do that as its not good for them

EDIT - I said to give your birds EGG FOOD, which is well known by those who breed birds. I did not say eggs, scrambled or fried. You did not state that you were from china and dont have petshops that sell bird food so how could I have known. I did state that you could get egg food from a petshop incase you didnt know what it was, so I dont know why you thought it was scrambed or fried eggs. Fried eggs are very greasy and due to the high fat content are bad for birds, you cant blame me for you misunderstanding and feeding birds fried egg. If you had read any basic bird book about died and feeding them you would this, though maybe you dont have them in china. I am astounded by your rudeness and wonder why I even bother trying to help you