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Sun Exposure

23 10:10:36

My brother has two Amazon's and lives in Costa Rica - they have a nice large cage that can be easily rolled to different locations. He thinks they like to be in the sun with no shade during the morning hours but I disagree thinking they have no escape from the direct sunlight should they want it.  Could you enlighten us on the amount of direct sun an Amazon can handle?  Thank you!

Hi Maggie!

Thank you for asking my advice!

Though I am not sure on the exact amount of direct sun that is safe I am 100% sure that you are correct!

Amazons are tree top dwellers and though they enjoy to bask in the sun they prefer to escape to the shade.  Half of the cage should always be in the shade so that they can retreat to it when they choose.

Our amazon enjoys a few minutes in the sun after a shower to warm up but will soon retreat to the shade for the remainder of her outside time!

Please tell your brother to give them some shade!
